Trasferimenti e Convalide
Degree course Bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Laboratory Science
Transfers and credit endorsement
Incoming Transfers from other universities
The degree in Biomedical Laboratory Science - Novara will accept for 2021-2022 no. 1 transfer to III year, subject to the following requisites:
- Passing the internship exams of I and II year at original university
- The internship exam of I year at the original university must be worth at least 13 ECTS
- The internship exam of II year at the original university must be worth at least 26 ECTS
The deadline for submission of applications for transfer expired on 3 September 2021.
For further information, use the UPO risponde service.
Endorsement of exams
Il Corso di Laurea in Tecniche di Laboratorio Biomedico ha deliberato, per una migliore organizzazione della gestione degli esami di profitto, di esaminare le richieste di convalide presentate dagli studenti entro i seguenti termini: 15 Novembre 2022. Dopo tale data non sarà possibile presentare domanda di convalida valida per moduli o insegnamenti dell'anno in corso.
STEP 1: send to the form requesting recognition of academic credits (mod. 104). No revenue stamp need be applied, it will be uploaded by the Student Admin Office and you can pay for it through your personal account area on
STEP 2: fill in the following online form by 15 November 2022:
Below are the instructions for completing exam validation request correctly. If requests are received that do not comply with the guidelines, the request will not be considered.
Students are invited to attach to the online form a self-declaration of their university programme records or the PDF of their online booklet.
Warning: You may present requests for endorsement of exams only and exclusively pertaining to the year of registration.
To supplement the official procedure (request for validation by filling in the form and sending the relative attachments), for the IT module of the integrated course of Quantitative Sciences only, the following must also be attached:
Modulo convalida Informatica
- Documento PDF - 654.82 KB
Useful Links
Last modified 10 October 2022