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Master’s Degree in Nursing and Obstetrics

Course Type Master’s degree

Academic year 2022/2023

Membership structure
Scuola di Medicina

Degree category: Master’s in nursing and obstetrics (LM-SNT/1)

The master's degree course in Nursing and Obstetrics lasts 2 years. The teaching activities represent a total of 120 academic credits (ECTS).

The course is state-controlled (with restricted number admission). The admission requirements for the Degree Course are: possession of a three-year degree certificate in the L-SNT / 1 class, and passing an admission test. For information on enrolment, use the UPO risponde platform.

Course location and staff

The Master’s degree course in Nursing and Obstetrics is held in via Lanino 1, in Novara, at the Istituto dei Salesiani - 3° floor.

For information about the course, write to:

Last modified 11 January 2024

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