Admission to Master’s degree in Nursing and Obstetrics Studies
Admission test: Novara in via Perrone, 18 - Wednesday 28 September 2022
As envisaged by the Call for applications for admission to the 1st year of the Master's Degree Course in Nursing and Obstetrics Studies a.y. 2022/23 (art. 9): "Candidates may request re-evaluation of their application by 05/10/2022 by writing to the following email address: The presentation of new qualifications is not allowed. "
- Criteria of evaluation of academic and professional quaifications
- Evaluation of candidates’ qualifications
- List of candidates per classroom with appointment times
- Access to exam premises
- Self-certification form Covid-19
- Call for applications (D.R. 1249 del 28.7.2022)
- Attachment 1 to Call
- Attachment 2 – form for curriculum
- Attachment 3 – form for waiver of application
- Definition of places available for candidates from EU countries or non-EU countries but resident in Italy (M.D. 1051 of 29.8.2022)
- Definition of provisional places available for EU and non-EU countries but resident in Italy (M.D. 927 of 29.7.2022)
- Definition of places available for candidates of non-EU countries, who are resident abroad (M.D. 1114 of 1.7.2022)
- Format and content of test (M.D. 566 of 20.6.2022)
- Ministerial communication of 4 March 2022: Calendar of admission tests for state-controlled bachelor and master’s degree courses 2022-2023
Comunicato ministeriale del 4 marzo 2022
- Documento PDF - 212.51 KB
Allegato 1 del Decreto Ministeriale n. 566 - Programmi degli argomenti oggetto d'esame
- Documento PDF - 79.67 KB
Useful Links
Last modified 13 October 2022