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Bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Laboratory Science

Course Type Bachelor’s degree

Academic year 2024/2025

Membership structure
Scuola di Medicina


Welcome to Freshers in the Bachelor’s degree of Biomedical Laboratory Science A.Y. 24-25

Degree Council Chair:

  • Prof. Renzo Boldorini

The first orientation appointment of the academic year dedicated to you, new member, is "Welcome, Freshers!".

These welcome days are useful for finding your way around the campus and getting to know the department professors and staff, introducing subject areas and receiving information on the organisation of courses and study.

A direct look at the practical aspects of university life: from lesson times to the services that the University offers.


Instructions for compulsory health check:

All newly-enrolled students in the three-year Biomedical Laboratory Science Degree Course are obliged, under penalty of forfeiture, to undergo assessment tests of psychophysical suitability for carrying out the specific functions of the professionalizing internship activities.

These assessments will be carried out at the Occupational Medicine Centre of the A.O.U. Maggiore della Carità di Novara. Below is the procedure for booking.

Instructions 2022 for health check for students enrolled in first year of Nursing Studies - Novara

How to reach the Occupational Medicine clinic

Degree programmes in technical health professions (L-SNT/3)

Degree Course Chair:  Prof. Renzo Boldorini

The degree course in Biomedical Laboratory Science lasts 3 years. The teaching activities are divided into 180 total credits, of which at least 57 are acquired in training activities aimed at developing specific professional skills.

The course is restricted in number. Entry requirements for the course are the possession of a high school diploma and the passing of an admission test. For information on registration, use the UPO risponde platform.

The course aims to train graduates for the profession of Biomedical Laboratory Technician in chemical-clinical and microbiological analysis laboratories, transfusion services, pathological anatomy laboratories, public and private environmental analysis laboratories. The professional preparation also allows graduates to carry out activities in laboratory analysis of the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. In addition to teaching the basic biological disciplines, a significant part of the course is dedicated to theoretical / practical learning of skills in the most modern methodologies used in the various sectors of laboratory medicine, with particular regard to the application of molecular diagnostic technologies, bio- information technology and quality control and management procedures. For this purpose, more than half of the degree course didactic activity is located in chemical-clinical and microbiological analysis laboratories, and immune-transfusion centres of the hospitals of Novara, Biella, Vercelli and Borgomanero.

Assessment of Psychophysical health

All newly-enrolled students in the three-year Biomedical Laboratory Science Degree Course are obliged, under penalty of forfeiture, to undergo assessment tests of psychophysical suitability for carrying out the specific functions of the professionalizing internship activities.

These assessments will be carried out at the Occupational Medicine Centre of the A.O.U. Maggiore della Carità di Novara. Below is the procedure for booking; all procedures will be outlined at the ‘Welcome, Freshers’ meeting.


percorso - medicina del lavoro.pdf
Documento PDF - 144.42 KB
Scheda dati personali a.a 2022 2023 .docx
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Last modified 28 June 2024