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For each individual programme, the responsibility for the course and its teaching quality lies with the Chair, flanked by the Review Group, which assists him/her in the preparation of Review Reports, and by the Quality Management Group of the course. The two groups can coincide.

The course council must guarantee a constant commitment to improvement, aiming for results of ever greater value, setting training objectives aligned with the best national and international standards.

It is the task of each course council (coordinating with the Department) to define and implement the procedures suitable for achieving the aforementioned objectives and necessary monitoring.

It is the responsibility and duty of the Course Chair to draw up:

  • Single Annual Course Report (SUA-CdS)
  • Annual Monitoring Sheet (SMA)
  • Cyclical Review Report (RCR)

The Bachelor degree courses and their Chairs:

The Master degree courses and their Chairs:

The Single-Cycle Master’s degree and Chair:

Single Annual Course Repot (SUA-CdS)

The SUA-CdS is an online public database, where each course programme publishes information on its activity.

The SUA-CdS must:

  • declare the contents and methods of the training
  • orient and define expectations on learning outcomes and ability of the course to achieve these
  • generate a public space that interested parties can access in order to form an opinion and make an informed choice

The PQA, through the Support Office, ensures that all the data necessary for compiling the SUA-CdS are provided.

Annual Monitoring Sheet (SMA)

This is the result of a periodic and planned process which aims to verify:

  • the adequacy of the course’s learning objectives
  • the correspondence between the objectives and effectiveness of the course management

It documents, analyses and comments (in a critical and timely manner) the effects of corrective actions, strengths and weaknesses of the course, the areas to be improved and corrective actions to be initiated.

The form represents a central element in the quality management of the individual course, and must be elaborated and discussed collectively by the Review Group; then presented, discussed and approved by the Course Council or equivalent structure.

It must contain a critical review of data made available by the Quality Department and take into account the report of the Joint Committee and the requests made by teachers and students.

Cyclical Review Report (RCR)

The Cyclical Review Repot is drawn up periodically, according to the duration of the course and always in preparation for a periodic accreditation visit. It aims to examine the validity of the training objectives and of the management system involved.

It examines:

  • the educational demand that underpins the course
  • the professional figures of reference and their skills
  • the consistency of the learning outcomes envisaged by the programme as a whole and by the individual courses
  • the effectiveness of the course management system

For each of these elements, the RCR documents, analyses and comments:

  • the effects of corrective actions unced in previous RCRs
  • the strengths and weaknesses that emerge from the analysis of the period under review, and prospects for the subsequent period
  • corrective actions for the critical elements highlighted, changes deemed necessary and actions aimed at making improvements.

Quality Management Group - Teaching


  • Teacher: Baldanzi Gianluca - Teacher coordinator
  • Teacher: Boccafoschi Francesca
  • Teacher: Cotella Diego
  • Teacher: Merlin Simone
  • Teacher: Fresu Luigia Grazia
  • Student: Sgarro Edoardo
  • Student: Carrato Leonardo
  • Student: Ciamballi Alessandra

Medical biotechnologies: 

  • Teacher: Gaidano Gianluca - Teacher coordinator
  • Teacher: Giordano Mara
  • Teacher: Corà Davide
  • Teacher: Patriarca Andrea
  • Student: Trivero Nicolò
  • Student: Bertani Fabio

Nursing and Obstetrics: 

  • Teacher: Faggiano Fabrizio - Teacher coordinator
  • Teacher: Filigheddu Nicoletta
  • Teacher: Dal Molin Alberto
  • Student: Pinelli Luigia
  • Student: Pizzimenti Alessandra
  • Student: Zennaro Stefano

Medicine and Surgery: 

  • Teacher: D’Alfonso Sandra – Teacher coordinator
  • Teacher: Castello Mario
  • Teacher: Corazzari Marco
  • Teacher: Grossini Elena
  • Teacher: Zeppegno Patrizia
  • Teacher: Gaidano Gianluca
  • Teacher: Savoia Paola
  • Teacher: Boldorini Renzo
  • Student: Marsella Costanza
  • Student: Susani Giulia (auditor)
  • Student: Banescu Alessandro
  • Student: Ballerini Cecilia (auditor)
  • Student: Scalia Alessio
  • Student: Croda Moreno (auditor)
  • Student: Sala Nicole
  • Student: Darò Milena (auditor)
  • Student: Dalla Valentina Costanza
  • Student: Milicia Osvaldo


  • Teacher: Follenzi Antonia - Teacher coordinator
  • Teacher: Dal Molin Alberto
  • Teacher: Ruspa Marta
  • Teacher: Borgogna Cinzia
  • Student: Fusco Sara
  • Student: Buffa Alice
  • Student: Iklan Sahar


  • Teacher: Invernizzi Marco - Teacher coordinator
  • Teacher: Di Concilio Ersilia
  • Teacher: Molinari Claudio Giuseppe
  • Teacher: Renò Filippo
  • Teacher: Gino Sarah
  • Student: Bariosco Ginevra
  • Student: Pich Stefano
  • Student: Verolla Alessandro

Dental Hygiene: 

  • Teacher: Foglio Bonda Pier Luigi- Teacher coordinator
  • Teacher: Migliario Mario
  • Teacher: Cotella Diego
  • Teacher: Azzimonti Barbara
  • Teacher: Rocchetti Vincenzo
  • Student: Lanzafame Martina
  • Student: Metauro Giorgia
  • Student: Zeno Francesca

Biomedical Laboratory Technologies: 

  • Teacher: Giordano Mara - Teacher coordinator
  • Teacher: Bozzola Cristina
  • Teacher: Fresu Luigia Grazia
  • Student: Condello Gaia
  • Student: Pombia Edoardo
  • Student: Ristov Aleksander

Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences: 

  • Teacher: Franco Pierfrancesco - Teacher coordinator
  • Teacher: Carriero Alessandro
  • Teacher: Krengli Marco
  • Teacher: Ruspa Marta
  • Teacher: Camerone Patrizia
  • Student: Comparato Daniele Ignazio
  • Student: Fontana Francesco
  • Student: Galbani Francesca

It should be noted that, where its composition is not indicated, the Review Group coincides with the Quality Management group.

Review Group - Training

The Review Group is identical to the Quality Management Group.

Medicine and Surgery



Dental Hygiene

Pediatric Nursing


Qualifying students as Obstetricians



Biomedical Laboratory Technologies

Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences

Nursing and Obstetrics


Medical biotechnologies

Last modified 16 August 2022