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Exam validation

Degree course Degree in Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences

IncomingTransfers from other universities

The degree course in Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences is not accepting incoming transfers for a.y. 2022/2023 due to a lack of places.  




Warning:  Submit requests for exam validations only and exclusively for the year of enrolment.

The degree course in Medical Imaging has decided, in order to guarantee better management of exams for credit, to check exam endorsement requests submitted by students within the following deadlines: November 15, 2022. After this date, it will not be possible to apply for validation of modules or courses of the current year.


STEP 1: send the form requesting recognition of university credits (form 104) to No revenue stamp is necessary at this point; it will be uploaded by the admin office and you can pay for it through your personal account on

STEP 2: fill in the following online form by 15 November 2022:


Below are the instructions ( le istruzioni per la corretta compilazione) on how to complete the form for endorsement of exams. Any forms which do not comply with the instructions will not be taken into consideration.

Students are invited to attach in the online form a self-declaration of their career or the PDF of their online booklet.

To supplement the official procedure (request for validation by filling in the form and sending the relative attachments), for the IT module of the integrated course of Quantitative Sciences only, the following must also be attached:


Last modified 10 October 2022