Admission to degree courses in the Health Professions
For the University of Piemonte Orientale the admission test will take place in Novara in via Perrone, 18 - Thursday 15 September 2022.
Approved decree of ranking lists and procedure for enrolment
- Decree of approval of ranking lists and Procedure for enrolment
- Ranking of Italian, European and non-European residents in Italy
- Ranking of non-European students resident abroad
- Decree appointing the Supervisory Committee - Attachment 1
- Increase of places for Nursing in Novara and postponement of the deadline for registration for the test (D.R.U. 1278 of 5.8.2022)
- Call for applicants (D.R. 1170 of 15.7.2022)
N.B.: the links to Accesso-al-corso-di-laurea-magistrale-medicina- present in the Call Notice are to be intended as a link to this page (
- Definition of the places available for candidates from non-EU countries residing abroad (Ministerial Decree no.1114 of 1.7.2022)
- Definition of provisional places available for candidates from EU and non-EU countries residing in Italy (Ministerial Decree no.1113 of 1.7.2022)
- Methods and contents of the test (Ministerial Decree no. 583 of 24.6.2022)
Refer to the Ministerial communication of 4 March 2022 with the calendar for admission tests for state-controlled Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees, a.y. 2022-2023.
The School of Medicine organises preparation courses for the admission test.
For information regarding the entrance test, use the UPO risponde platform.
Comunicato ministeriale del 4 marzo 2022 (Calendario delle prove di ammissione ai corsi di laurea e di laurea magistrale programmati a livello nazionale, a.a. 2022-2023)
- Documento PDF - 212.51 KB
Decreto Ministeriale n. 583 del 24-06-2022 - TABELLA A_SILLABI.pdf
- Documento PDF - 109.63 KB
Decreto Ministeriale n. 583 del 24-06-2022.pdf - Modalità e contenuti della prova
- Documento PDF - 338 KB
Useful Links
Last modified 10 October 2022