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Optional activities

Corso Corso di Laurea in Medical Biotechnologies (in lingua inglese)

A.Y. 2023/2024



"Python application on genomic data" 

2 credits

The topic of this ADO concerns the application of the Python programming language on genomic data from the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) obtained from cBioPortal.


The bioinformatics ADO consists of individual work on participants' own computers, lasting approximately 4 hours, at the end of which each participant must submit a small assignment on the DIR platform.


To participate, registration is required in the DIR platform in the  "Registration" section at the following link: https://www.dir.uniupo.it/mod/reservation/view.php?id=584870

The deadline for registration is April 15th at 11.59am.


Depending on the number of participants, they will be divided into two or more groups, with potential sessions scheduled for April 22nd and 24th from 14:00 to 18:00.


The participants who attend the 4-hour lesson and submit the assignment successfully will receive 2 CFU. Students are required to upload their assignment on the DIR platform by 23:59 on April 30th.

1st and 2nd YEAR of ENROLLMENT 

Clinical Applications of In Vivo Gene Therapy with AAVs (2024) - Prof. S. Espinoza (update 15.03.2024)

1 credit

70 seats

Registration: https://www.dir.uniupo.it/enrol/index.php?id=19198

1st and 2nd YEAR of ENROLLMENT 

1) Dr. Anil Babu Payedimarri

Journal club

March 28th at 3:00pm to 4:00 pm

Credits: 4 cfu
To join the video meeting, click this link: https://meet.google.com/avq-cvex-fao

Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +39 02 8732 3800 and enter this PIN: 674 738 744#

To view more phone numbers, click this link: https://tel.meet/avq-cvex-fao?hs=5pp

1st and 2nd YEAR of ENROLLMENT 

Biomedical aspects of aging" - Prof. D. Cotella (update 11.03.2024)

Aging is an important aspect of human civilizations especially considering the pressure that growing elderly populations are putting on modern societies.

The Visiting Professor Federico Sesti (Rutgers University, USA) will offer a mini-course on aging, whose broad-spectrum topics will make it useful to multiple study courses and programs. The course will be offered to the Master Students in Medical Biotechnology (both 1st and 2nd year).

The course is open to 70 students that must register to the course home page on DIR (https://www.dir.uniupo.it/course/view.php?id=19120) by signing on "Course registration"

The course ranges from a brief introduction of the social and economic aspects of aging, to its biology and etiology, to its associated pathologies including clinical and psychological management. The mini-course will explore the following concepts:
-Topic 1: Aging in human culture. Sociology/economics of aging
-Topic 2: Cellular and organismal senescence. Genetics of aging. Metabolism of aging 1: caloric restriction. Metabolism of aging 2: insulin IGF-1-like pathway
-Topic 3: Molecular basis for aging. Telomere shortening. Free radical theory. DNA damage
-Topic 4: neurodegenerative disease. Huntington disease. Alzheimer's disease

 The course starts on March 19th and consists of 4 lectures and 1 seminar, and is structured according to the following calendar:

- Lectures: March 19 (room CR10), 20 (room CR10), 22 (room CP07) and 25 (room CR10)
- Seminar: March 21 (Aula magna Palazzo Bellini)

All classes and seminar will be from 2pm to 4pm

2 credits (cfu, ECTS) will be awarded. To obtain them, students must attend at least 50% of lectures and solve the quizzes that will be provided during classes

2) Dr. Teresa Gravina

The topic of this ADO activity is a theoretical and practical introduction to the use of UCSC Genome Browser (https://genome.ucsc.edu/). It is a bioinformatics-based activity and will be held online via Google Meet.

The bioinformatics ADO consists of individual work on participants' own computers, lasting approximately 4 hours, at the end of which each participant must submit a small assignment on the DIR platform.

This activity is designed for first and second-year Medical Biotechnology students. To participate, registration is required in DIR platform at the following link: https://www.dir.uniupo.it/course/view.php?id=19168

Students can register for the activity until 11.59pm on March 18th. Depending on the number of participants, they will be divided into two or more groups, with potential sessions scheduled for March 26th and 27th from 14:00 to 18:00.

The participants who attend the 4-hour lesson and submit the assignment successfully will receive 2 CFU. Students are required to upload their assignment on the DIR platform by 23:59 on April 3rd.

In summary this ADO consists of 3 steps:

1) Registration in the DIR page.

2) Theoretical and practical lesson of 4 hours.

3) Submission of the assignment in pdf on the DIR platform.




The ADO is structured as follows:

- Frontal lesson on the 13 December 2023 from 16.00-18.00 PM in room CP01 at Campus Perrone, Novara

This will be an introductory lesson on the most advanced -omics techniques (mass spec based) in medicine and research with some applications.

- Frontal lesson on the 10 January 2024 from 14.00-16.00 PM in Campus Perrone, Novara.

In this lesson, a wide range of mass spectrometry based applications and projects will be presented and discussed together with the students.

The total number of CFU for this ADO is 0.5 credits. Students must follow the entire ADO to get the CFU. no partial CFU are allowed.

Please register in the DIR page (https://www.dir.uniupo.it/mod/reservation/view.php?id=559138)



Ultima modifica 11 Aprile 2024