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Teaching Hubs

Degree course Degree in Nursing

The campus for the degree programme in Nursing Studies is spread over 6 hubs to promote attendance by students. Below are the cities involved and information on how to reach us:



via Lanino, 1 - 28100 Novara – 1° floor

Professional education coordinator

Professional education tutors

          CPS Inf. Alessandra Bettini      Tel. 0321-3732.927

          Dott.ssa Marcella Cirasa          Tel. 0321-3732906

          Dott.ssa Rosaria Lea                 Tel. 0321-3732.930

          Dott.ssa Marina De Medici       Tel. 0321-3732.931

          CPSE Inf. Attilia Castelletti      Tel. 0321-3732.928

          Dott.ssa Chiara Gallione          Tel. 0321-3732.933

          CPS Inf. Anna Lorenzini           Tel. 0321-3732.936

          Dott. Gaetano Auletta               Tel. 0321-3732.932

          CPSE Inf. Antonella Fanello     Tel. 0321-3732.923

         Dott.ssa Alessia Bolamperti       Tel. 0321-3732.938

         Dott. Luca Briacca                     Tel. 0321-3732.926

Remedial Training Programme for students repeating a year or behind in the programme

    CPS Inf. Alessandra Bettini  Tel. 0321-3732.927

    CPSE Inf. Attilia Castelletti  Tel. 0321-3732.928

    CPSE Inf. Antonella Fanello           Tel. 0321-3732.923


Project dedicated to students with SLD

    CPS Inf. Alessandra Bettini  Tel. 0321-3732.927

    CPSE Inf. Attilia Castelletti  Tel. 0321-3732.928


Office Hours of academic tutors

The academic tutors of the I - II - III year of the course will see students from 8am to 9pm and from 1pm to 2pm, Mondays to Fridays.

To make an appointment outside of those hours, students should write an email or telephone between 8 and 9am, or between 1 and 2pm.


Health structures for Nursing internship at Novara

Certification of Internship

In the absence of tutors, the internship certification of attendance sheets must be put in the postbox on the mezzanine floor opposite the Teaching Admin Office.

Teaching Admin Office

Address: via Lanino, 1 (corner Viale Ferrucci)  - 28100 Novara

Tel. 0321-3732.903 (904)(905) — Fax 0321 3732.902

Patrizia Casellino:

Sabrina Coviello:

Manuela Bergamaschi:



Tel. 0321 3732.913 - 0321-660.506


Nursing – training hub of Alessandria – combined health services ASO AL and ASL AL

Professional education coordinator:

Dr. Giovanni Chilin

Tel. 0131-207.315

E-mail: ,

Professional Education tutors:

  • Dott.ssa Milena Zoppi               (Tel. 0131-207.271)
  • Dott.ssa Suyen Maruffi             (Tel. 0131-207.329)
  • Dott.ssa Ines Basso                   (Tel. 0131-207.247)
  • Dott.ssa Eleonora Massobrio    (Tel. 0131-207.329)
  • Dott.ssa Carla Vigliano             (Tel. 0131-206.071)

Tutors of the Teaching Area ASL AL and regional Hospitals:

  • Dott. Giovanni Chilin     (Tel. 0142-434.438)
  • Dott.ssa Milena Zoppi    (Tel. 0142-434.438)

The coordinators and tutors are at the disposal of students at the SC internship premises during the activity, or by appointment in Viale Teresa Michel 11 at DISIT, Alessandria.

Admin Office

Tel. 0131-207.206 — Fax 0131-207.339

Exclusively by appointment



Premises in Via Giuseppe Pella, 10

The educational hub is inside the Città Studi complex founded in the 80s by public and private authorities and associations, to respond to the university and professional educational needs of the region.

Professional Education Coordinator

Dr. Simona Milani

Professional Education Tutors

Admin Office

( Tel. 015-8409333 - Fax 015-450.72.29 ):

How to reach the premises (via Pella, 10)

  • Arriving by train:
     station of Biella S. Paolo:
     All year: route 146 (Biella-Graglia-Donato)
     All year: route147 (Biella-Ivrea)
     In academic year only: urban route 4 at 7.38am
  • By car:
     Exit Autostradali A4 Torino-Milano nearest:
     - Santhià-Biella 26
     - Carisio-Biella 22
     Exit Autostradale A26 Genova- Gravellona:
     Romagnano Sesia 34.
     Continue to Biella. When at Biella, follow the directions for Ivrea. After approx 3 km, you arrive in Via Ivrea; on the left is Città Studi; again on the left, take Via Pella.



Premises in Corso Cairoli 41 c/o Istituto Franzosini – third floor

Internship and Practical/Theory Activity Coordinator

Dr. Paola Sanvito   —   Tel. 0323-348535

Academic Tutors



Premises in Complesso San Giuseppe, P.zza S. Eusebio, 5

The pedestrian entrance to access classrooms is from Via Gifflenga (go down, and enter the first small wooden door)

Professional Education Coordinator

Professional Education Tutors

Teaching Office



Premises of degree course at Casa della Salute di Alba (ex ospedale San Lazzaro) - Via Pietrino Belli 26, Alba CN

Professional Education Coordinator

  •  (awaiting confirmation)   - Tel. 0173 316334

Professional Education Tutors

  • (awaiting confirmation)  -  0173 316331
  • (awaiting confirmation)  -  0173 316332

Teaching Office

  • Tel. 0173 316335

Provisional e-mail for necessary communications:


Last modified 5 October 2022