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Additional Educational Obligations

Degree course Degree in Nursing

Please note that students who are admitted to the degree programme with partial scores obtained in the admission test lower than the values below will be assigned Additional Educational Obligations (OFA) to be completed in the first year of the course.

More precisely, for the degree programme in Nursing, there is an obligation to attend additional courses for students who have not achieved 12 points in biology, 8 points in chemistry and 7 points in mathematics and physics.

For the fulfilment of the remedial courses indicated above, students must  activate their institutional e-mail account and connect to the DIR platform to follow the lessons and take a test.

To access the DIR platform, connect to the website and log in with the credentials of your university e-mail account (username: and password defined during activation ). On the DIR platform there is a course called "Additional Educational Obligations" on which you must register to follow the video lessons.

The test of a single discipline appears automatically when all the video lessons of that discipline have been viewed. The verification test consists of an online questionnaire of 10 questions. The test result (at least 6 correct answers out of 10 are necessary to pass) is communicated at the end of the questionnaire. Once eligibility has been achieved, the student must still register for the nearest OFA session on the online exam board, so as to allow the result to be recorded by the course chair.

The videolessons, the assessment test, eligibility and the final report are distinct for each of the three disciplines of Biology, Chemistry, and Mathematics and Physics.

Please note that the final assessment test is mandatory and precedes enrolment in the exams of:

  • Biology – code MS0834
  • Physics – code MS0835

The remedial obligations are uploaded individually in the student’s transcript booklet.

For clarifications and more information on teaching content, attendance, tests and updating of eligibility records, write to

Last modified 10 October 2022