Admission to Bachelor’s degree in Medicine and Surgery
For the University of Eastern Piedmont, the admission test will be held in Novara in via Perrone, 18 - Tuesday 6 September 2022.
It should be noted that on the Universitaly portal, the University of Eastern Piedmont is identified as: Vercelli "Avogadro".
From the Call announcement, please note: "The single-cycle degree course in Medicine and Surgery of the University of Eastern Piedmont is a single degree course with two training locations based, respectively, in Novara and Alessandria: the national ranking, however, is unique and there are no separate rankings for the training centres in Novara and Alessandria.
- Call for applicants for Medicine and Surgery, and for Dentistry and Dental Prosthodontics (R.D. 1086 of 4.7.2022)
It should be noted that in point 5) of attachment 1 of the Call for applications, the address to which the request for aid should be sent is (instead of - Notice for candidates for Dentistry and Dental Prothodontics
- Provisional number of places available (M.D 1111 of 1.7.2022)
- Content and procedure of test (M.D. no. 583 of 24.6.2022)
Consult the Ministerial Notice (Ministerial Communication of 4 March 2022) with the calendar of admission tests to the bachelor's and master's degree courses scheduled at national level, a.y. 2022-2023.
The School of Medicine organises preparation courses for the entrance test.
Comunicato ministeriale del 4 marzo 2022
- Documento PDF - 212.51 KB
Decreto Ministeriale n. 583 del 24-06-2022.pdf - Modalità e contenuti della prova
- Documento PDF - 338 KB
Decreto Ministeriale n. 583 del 24-06-2022 - TABELLA A_SILLABI.pdf
- Documento PDF - 109.63 KB
Modulo per richiedere misure compensative L. 104/92 (file MS Word)
- Microsoft Office - OOXML - Word Document - 129.63 KB
Modulo per richiedere misure compensative L. 104/92 (file PDF)
- Documento PDF - 64.13 KB
Modulo per richiedere misure compensative L. 170/2010 (file MS Word)
- Microsoft Office - OOXML - Word Document - 129.79 KB
Modulo per richiedere misure compensative L. 170/2010 (FILE pdf)
- Documento PDF - 64.63 KB
Bando di concorso per Medicina e Chirurgia e per Odontoiatria e Protesi dentaria (DR 1086 del 4.7.2022)
- Documento PDF - 793.95 KB
Avviso per i candidati di Odontoiatria e Protesi dentaria
- Documento PDF - 430.47 KB
Last modified 16 August 2022