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Bachelor’s degree in Biotechnology

Course Type Bachelor’s degree

Academic year 2022/2023

Membership structure
Scuola di Medicina

Welcome, freshers!

We await you on 4 October 2022:

Group A: from 2 to 4pm in classroom PR-1 at the Istituto Salesiano in via Lanino, 1.

Group B: from 4 to 6pm in classroom CS01 of plot C at Campus Perrone, in via Perrone 18.


Biotechnology degree (L-2)

The course is designed to provide students with the cognitive, technical and behavioural skills relevant for modern study and research methodology, aimed at the use of biological functions and systems for the production of goods and services, including knowledge of economic problems. and ethics relating to the use of biotechnological products. The student must also acquire skills of communication and information management, for the drafting of technical-scientific reports and the ability to work in a team as well as to operate executive activities independently. The number of admissions may possibly be subject to restriction, in order to guarantee the required level of quality of services provided.

The campus of the University of Eastern Piedmont has specific skills in numerous scientific disciplinary sectors; in particular, the chemistry and pharmaceutical fields are advanced along with the biotechnological and medical fields. The very location of the university headquarters in an area with a high proportion of nearby pharmaceutical industries was a factor in the decision to establish a chemical-pharmaceutical oriented curriculum, which shares the courses of the first two years with the pre-existing medicine-oriented course. This curriculum differs in chemical-pharmaceutical courses that are administered in the third year of the course with the intention of expanding the training opportunities offered to students with a view to job placement.

The degree programme earns a total of 180 ECTS, divided into three years of the course. Each academic credit corresponds to a student commitment of 25 hours, consisting normally of no more than 12 hours of lectures, or 12 hours of theoretical-practical teaching (laboratory exercises). Each professional credit corresponds to 25 hours of work per student. The 25 hours of work corresponding to the credit are divided into: hours of lessons, hours of tutorial teaching activities carried out in laboratories, hours of seminars, hours spent by the student in other training activities of the course, and hours of self-study.

Graduates will be able to find employment in laboratories that carry out research and experimentation in the field of life sciences, in the identification of new drug targets and in the development of biological drugs. The Biotechnologist graduate will also be able to find employment in the production of goods and services; in the production of diagnostic tests of a biotechnological nature; in bacteriological, microbiological and molecular biology analysis services aimed at monitoring the quality of the environment and human health and animals. Finally, graduates will be able to find employment in highly specialised laboratories, with analytical or quality control tasks. The Bachelor’s graduates in Biotechnology, on the basis of the current D.P.R. n. 328/01, can practise (by passing the State Exam) the profession of Junior Biologist, sect. B of the register.

For more information, visit UPO Risponde.

Teaching locations:


Last modified 28 June 2024